These Accents - Open Call for Unfinished Artwork

  • Location: Online
  • Deadline: Aug 31 2024 at 12:00PM

These Accents is an online scrapbook for artists of all disciplines to share work they feel contributes to a discussion of the incomplete, in-progress, or otherwise unfinished.


The project, founded in 2022 by artist and writer Bora Rex, has established itself as the home for provoking and insightful discussions about states of art and art-making in flux.


Past contributors have shared everything from string quartets to screenshots, exchanged unbindable poems and paused prose, sent up balloons and thrown down pastels.


As the project enters its third year, an open call has been announced with the intention to invite new and diverse voices into the conversation. There are no application restrictions regarding the media or duration of work submitted, or the experience, education, or location of contributors.


Potential future contributors are encouraged to take a look at the project’s website and to familiarise themselves with previous entries, published monthly. Applications of interest emailed to [email protected] will receive further information regarding the intended format of submissions.


Open call from August 1st to August 31st 2024Email: [email protected]Website: